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Tuesday, April 17, 2012

"Same place! Again?? *Sigh."

Hi.. Assalammualaikum :)

For this entry......
Actually I wanted to update that I would go for a short vacation this week.. Again!? Yes.. And the same place as well.. *Sigh..

But this time will go with my colleagues in the Administrators Dept.. Hope we will be enjoy there..
All of you want to know right? Where did I go for short vacation or it's nice that we called 'Family's Day of Admin Dept..

Alright, again I will go to PORT DICKSON.!! Why haa? Everytime if I wanted go for a vacation or holiday or blah blah blah.. That must be Port Dickson.. Weird.!!

But nevermind, as long as we have fun.. Port Dickson pon Port Dickson lah..

My boss do it this..
She's so creative.. 'Cuti-cuti Sendiri Bikin'.. But sound nice right?? 

That is the 'Aturcara or plan', once we arrived there.. 

Can you see that, what I must bring for the coming Family's Day this week? 
Hehe -,-" 

NASI PUTIH.. Hoyeayy.. Luckily, I just bring Nasi Putih.. If bawak some lauk's mati gueee.. HAHAHA --

Alright, so Port Dickson we will meet again.. 
See yaa -,-"

p/s : I'll bring my love as well :) Hewhewhew.. *Hugs*..

Lots of Love
Fia Aznam Roses

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